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Two-way integration between Student CRM and your SRS/SIS for Active Applications
Two-way integration between Student CRM and your SRS/SIS for Active Applications

Send/receive applications between Student CRM and Agresso (Unit4), Banner (Ellucian), EBS and SITS (Tribal), Unit-E (ESS - formerly Capita)

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

Our API is currently integrated with:

International, Postgraduate and Direct applications (two-way)

The API helps your Student Record System (SRS) and Student CRM to stay in sync when processing Active Applications created online and managed inside Student CRM in the Applications (Active) App.

The API is used to both get information from Student CRM into your SRS, and to send information from your SRS into Student CRM.

You need to get information from Student CRM into your SRS because you want to create any new or updated applications in Student CRM, in your SRS.

You need to send information from your SRS into Student CRM, because you want to update the applications in Student CRM, with your SRS Student IDs.

Typical use:

You create a script that calls this API, and this resides on your server. Using API credentials your script calls this API at a regular frequency. If you use cron you would set up a cron task to call your script every 20 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours etc, so your SRS and Student CRM stay in sync. You choose the frequency - from every 10 minutes to every day.

Take a deeper look at how this works with the Developer Documentation.

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