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Best practice for using Emoji in Communications
Best practice for using Emoji in Communications

Advice on using Emoji in touchpoints and Campaigns

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over a week ago

Emoji can be used to great effect in all sorts of communications, however overusing them can be a concern. So what's the best way of using them?

Where can you use Emoji?

Emoji can be used in:

  • Email subject lines

  • Email content body

  • SMS body

  • Letter body

What should be considered when adding Emoji to comms?

If an emoji is too new, it may not show for your recipients

It takes a few years for emoji added to the standard Emoji List or Unicode Set to reach mobile devices, so don't use emoji that are too new.

Tip - Use sites like Emojipedia to check the age of the emoji you want to use.

Tip - Try to use emoji released 3 or more years ago.

Emoji can vary wildly depending on platform, or not appear at all

Some emoji look very different depending on platform. For example, the gun emoji appears as a squirtgun on most platforms, but as an actual gun on HTC and LG devices.

Some older platforms – MacOS 10.6 and Windows 7 and earlier – can't support emoji at all, so be sure that you're not using emoji to convey critical information (for example, using 😷 to tell students to bring face coverings).

Tip - Use sites like Emojipedia to check what emoji look like across platforms.

Tip - Use Can I Emoji? to check what support is like for your chosen emoji.

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