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What rules govern when the Address in a Student Record is updated?
What rules govern when the Address in a Student Record is updated?

When the Address and Country are updated on a Student's Record

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over a week ago

If a student enters their Address into a form, that Address is saved in their Student Record within the Student Database.
 If a student already has an Address on their student record, then saves a different Address, the Student Record will be updated with the new Address.
If a student already has an Address on their student record, then submits a form that only collects their Country, their Student Record will not update the Country if it is different to the Country in their existing Address. This is to prevent the Student Record ending up with an Address with an incorrect Country.
If a student who does not have an Address saved in the CRM submits a form that only collects their Country, that Country will be saved in their Student Record.

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