!COMING SOON! In Establishment Card > Setup >Applicant Portal you have 3 bus stops:
Bus stop 1 - Design
Design is where you can edit the title of your platform, ie: "New Forest University Agent Platform", upload your university favicon, upload your university logo, edit the text in the login button, and choose your platform main colour so it matches your branding.
Bus stop 2 - Links
Links is where you can choose a webform that agents will see when they add a new application from inside the platform. You can customise this web form to be different from your usual direct application form if you like, as only logged-in agents will be using it.
You can also choose any occurrence of Knowledgebase that contains the support articles you wish your agents to search when they want a quick answer to common questions, including topics such as Admissions, Commission, Immigration, Marketing materials, Training videos, etc.
Bus stop 3 - Contacts
3 - Contacts is where you edit the list of names, depts and telephone numbers for your agents to reach out to for specialist support.
Q. What happens when I Save?
A. As soon as you save any of these settings the Platform is updated, but any agents who are currently logged in won't see the changes until the next time they log back in again.