How do I use Grab?

Collect students together to send ad-hoc comms

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over a week ago

To build a campaign using grab:

  1. Click the Requests Tab

  2. Select the filters you want to use to target specific students or groups of students (leave filters blank to grab all students)

  3. Click the Grab button

  4. Enter an Activity Name

  5. Select a Type

  6. Select a Type of Communication

  7. Select a schedule (Immediate or a specific Date and Time)

  8. Click the Next button

  9. Enter your content / choose a label type

  10. Click the Next tab

  11. Review your campaign and click Confirm

 Your campaign will now be active.
 If you stopped creating your campaign and visited another page your campaign will now be in the Drafts section of the Comms Log.

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