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How web forms work

Learn how to use Student CRM web forms on your website

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over 7 months ago

Student CRM web forms are built in, and hosted from, Student CRM and come in two types:

Single Visit Form

This form type is used to complete one interaction in a single visit. For example, to request a prospectus, make an enquiry, or subscribe to a newsletter. These forms can be embedded in your website.

These are the apps that generate Single Visit Forms:

  • CTM - Contact Manager Leads (online)

  • ENQ - Enquiries (online)

  • MEC - Mobile Event Capture on iPads (offline - is deployed on a university iPad or Tablet via our app, Mobile Event Pad).

  • PRQ - Prospectus Requests (online)

  • RAP - Rapid Response (online)

  • SRV - Surveys (online)

How to Deploy a Single Visit Form

Single Visit Forms can be embedded into a university web page as follows:

  1. Get the web form code snippet from the Web From Builder app, step 5.

  2. Click the 'Copy code to Clipboard' button: (Note: in the example below, you might notice the iframe's src is blank. Don't panic! The script lines above it fill it in for the end-user when they visit the page.)

  3. Paste it into your web page (this is usually done by whoever updates your web pages).

​Multiple Visit Form

A Multiple Visit Form can be revisited many times by any student to see their information and make changes. For example, they may book onto an open day, and then return to that booking a couple of days later to change the activities they'll participate in.

Multiple Visit Forms can't be embedded into a website due to technical considerations around sessions & privacy, and security measures apply to safeguard student data.

These are the apps that generate Multiple Visit Forms:

  • AOD - Applicant Day bookings (online)

  • APS - Applicant Portal (online)

  • EVM - Event bookings (online)

  • POD - Pre-applicants Open Days bookings (online)

How to Deploy a Multiple Visit Form

Multiple Visit Forms can be linked from your own website or digital campaigns, either as a text link or a more stylised call to action, like a button (see example below). 

To do this:

  1. Find the URL of the web form in Student CRM.

  2. Copy the URL to your clipboard.

  3. Paste it into your website code as a button or other link (this is usually done by whoever updates your web pages).

To maintain your university’s branding and design, you can paste in custom CSS, so it appears the same as any other university web page, or select one of the 15 built-in CSS themes.

Any further changes to the web form require no further work on your web page, it is all done from Student CRM, so when your web form is refreshed the new changes to the form are displayed.

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