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Web Form Builder
Used to control how each web form looks and behaves when students complete them, and to optimise competion rates
How web forms work
All About Web Form Builder
Web Form Builder Permissions
Video Course WFB-T1 for the Web Form Builder app (Part 1)
Video Course WFB-T2 for the Web Form Builder app (Part 2)
Web Forms Glossary
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 1: About
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 2: Configuration
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 3: Builder
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 4: Theme
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 5: Preview & Publishing
How do I create a new DIY form? Step 6: Performance
Using a DIY web form on your web page
Common form elements and how to create them
How can I clone a web form?
Amending and Republishing a DIY form
Address lookups
Changing the consent or tracking on a Managed Webform
Checklist - publishing your web form
Prospectus Request Forms - Setting up hidden Delivery Method with an Address Block
Changing the "Required" Messages on your form
Signpost item in web forms
CSS cheat sheet
Custom Fields - How, what, huh? (Advanced)
Custom Field titles - why they get locked
Conditional items in web forms
Student portfolio
Assigning Stages with a web form
How to add Zuko tracking to a form
Are your web forms friction-free?
Accessibility standards
Adding a new Tracking Code in Web Form Builder
Adding Locations, Notes, and Documents to a Web Form
Embedding a web form using a CMS
Student CRM Web Form Notification Email
Four-o-form error page
The Forms tab
Form Compliance
Web Form Templates