When importing new Rapid Response or Mobile Event Capture registrations in Data Importer, you can add a Course ID to each record.
In Mobile Event Capture the field name is
In Rapid Response the field name is
Please refer to the Rapid Response and Mobile Event Capture Import Guides when importing your data for guidance on successfully importing these records.
Once imported, your course will appear in your Rapid Response or Mobile Event Capture record:
And in the Student Record card (SDB), as an Interest.
What is the Course ID?
The Course ID is the ID number of the course in the Courses & Subjects (CRS) app. The ID number for the Course is specifically for that Level of Study and Year of Entry.
For example:
In 2020 the Course ID for Oil, Gas and Energy Management is 48405
In 2021 the Course ID for Oil, Gas and Energy Management is 53220
Where do I find the Course ID?
It can be found by searching for the course within the Courses Summary. You can use the quick filters at the top of the list to narrow down your search:
Q. What if I need to find multiple Course IDs at once, because my list has lots of different courses?
A. You can download a csv of Courses, including their ID numbers from the Courses app. Use this list alongside your RAP or MEC import template to match your course names to ID numbers.
Q. Why can't I just import using a Course Name?
A. In order for the import process to match to the Courses app and for it to work for up to 10,000 records in a single import, it needs to know exactly which course you are referring to. Course names are often very similar across Years of Entry and Levels of Study. Sorry about that one, but that level of matching would be a bit too slow! π΄