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The A - Z of Mobile Event Pad

All the explanations of terms used in Mobile Event Pad at your finger-tips

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 2 months ago

(From Aardvark to Zebra, it’s all listed here)


An ant-eating, long-schnozzled peaceful mammal.

Add new Event:

You need to do this in the Student CRM, not in this app. Once you (or a colleague) have done that, go to Settings and ‘Update Occurrences’ to see it appear in this app. 

Add a new Occurrence:

Check you have an Internet connection. If you do, then get the Token and Pin sent to your mobile phone (a colleague can SMS them to you from that Occurrence in the Student CRM if you are not). Go to Settings, click ‘manage Occurrences; and enter your Token and Pin. If authorised, your new Occurrence and its Events will appear on your tablet.


This is when your tablet talks to the Student CRM server as it checks the Token and Pin you entered when adding a new Occurrence. If it is authorised you will get the requested Occurrence added to your tablet. If not, you won’t, so you will need to check you have the right Token and Pin. You can always call your office who can text them to your mobile phone from within the Student CRM.

Auto Sync:

A neat feature that automatically syncs your Student Records whenever the app is not being used for a few moments. It does require an Internet connection, and does mean that you don’t get a chance to view or edit the Records throughout the day, and your Students will immediately get your first touchpoint. By default Auto Sync is set to OFF. Go to Settings to change it.


See the arrows with text in, just under the header? That is your navigation and is known as a breadcrumb. A bit like in the fairy tale, so you don’t get lost.

Counting Students captured so far:

If no Students are around for 30 seconds, hold your finger anywhere on the Form for 5 seconds and you will be asked for your Pin. Type it in and click ‘Return to Events’ to see a count of Students against each Event. Just click the event name to display the Form again.

Delete Occurrence:

Where you remove the Occurrence and all Events from your tablet. An Occurrence containing unsynced Student Records can’t be deleted.

Delete Record:

Where you remove a single Student Record from your device. This cannot be undone. Use carefully because if the Student is in your tablet this means that it is NOT in the Student CRM yet.

Edit Event:

You need to do this in the platform, not in this app. Once you (or a colleague) have done that, go to Settings and ‘Update Occurrences’ to see the updated Event appear in this app.

Edit Record:

Where you view and can change any of the details the Student entered on your tablet. You might want to add a private note for example. Up to you. Access it by clicking any Student count and this will display a list of Students. Click any Student’s name to edit their Record.


An entry created in the Student CRM with a name, date and duration in days, which is downloaded to your tablet when you open the MobileEventPad with an Internet connection. Events can not be created or edited in the MobileEventPad, they can only be downloaded. See Add New Event.

Event date:

This is the date that the Event is running on. It may run for more than one day.

Events listing:

A list of all Events that are current or are starting within the next few weeks. You will also see past Events if your tablet still contains Students for those Events that you have yet to sync.

Event name: this is the name of the Event, e.g. ‘South West UCAS Student Fair’.

Fields: the empty spaces in your Form that the Students type their information into, e.g. Title: ‘Mr’.

Form: the screen that shows your branding and lists a number or fields for your Students to complete and then submit the Form, saving their details and clearing the Form for the next Student. Forms can only be changed in the Student CRM, not in this app.

Home screen: where you arrive when you first log into the app, it lists the Occurrences you have on your tablet. You get there by clicking the DH Mobile logo at the top.

Icon - WiFi: displays whether you have an Internet connection via WiFi or 3G/4G.

Internet connection: where you can browse the Internet on your tablet, either via WiFi or 3G/4G.

Log: this displays a historic list of all activity. Useful for seeing what happened and when. You can read it, or send it to us to help resolve an issue. You can clear it if you like but why would you? It can only ever help.

Manage Occurrences: accessed from the Settings screen, you can see all Occurrences, delete an existing Occurrence or add a new Occurrence (as long as you have the Token and Pin).

Occurrence: in the Student CRM you can have multiple Occurrences of Mobile Event Capture, as you may wish to separate your Events into PG, UG, etc. Each Occurrence has its own distinct list of Events, both in the Student CRM, and in this app.

Pin: a secret number that you can reset in the Student CRM, then use to open the MobileEventPad. If you have forgotten it, you can always call your office who can text the Pin and Token to your mobile phone from within the Student CRM.

Record count: displayed as two numbers separated by a front slash, e.g. ‘2/30’. The first number is a count of how many unsynced Records still remain on your tablet. The second number is a count of how many Students you have ever collected on this tablet for that particular Event or Occurrence.

Settings: this screen allows you to manage Occurrences, update Occurrences, set Auto Sync to ON or OFF, view the Log, view Help and see which version of the app your tablet is running.

Student: an individual who has entered their details on your tablet.

Student CRM: the cloud SaaS Student recruitment software provided by Data Harvesting.

Student CRM account: how your Establishment is using the Student CRM.

Student Record: the information stored for one Student.

Submit button: what the Students click on the Form to store their data in this app.

Sync all Events: sends all Students in all Events up to the Student CRM, Records each one in the log, and deletes those Students from your tablet, once it has confirmed that have all arrived OK.

Sync this Record: sends one Student Record up to the Student CRM, Records it in the log, and deletes that single Student from your tablet, once it has confirmed that it arrived OK.

Token: a secret unique string of random characters found in the Student CRM. You have a different Token for each Occurrence. You cannot reset your Token because it is system generated. If you have forgotten it, you can always call your office who can text the Token and Pin to your mobile phone from within the Student CRM.

Update Occurrence: when you click this in Settings it checks to see if you have an Internet connection. If you do it downloads any new or updated Events since you last synced. This is how you get new Events showing in existing Occurrences.

Version: the software version of the tablet app you are currently running. When new versions become available you will see that an update is available and we recommend you keep it updated, as each update will improve the app over time.

Zebra: A stripy horse.

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