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Glossary of Student CRM terms

Get to know some of our terminology and abbriviations

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 11 months ago



The interactions your students have with Student CRM; like Bookings, Requests, Enquiries.

Activity Reporting

When creating or editing your events, you can add how you want to report on this activity. Assign the activity to a User or a Team and automatically Associate students who book on this event with a School (in Contact Manager).


A manual campaign. Search for records, then Grab the records to create an Ad-hoc. Send email, download or print labels and letters. Also used for sending data to other apps.


This icon will allow you to add something, such as a new User.

Agent Manager App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by international teams to manage overseas agents so your teams can streamline their agent relationship workload.


This is the short code for the Agent Manager App.


This is the short code for the Applicant Open Days App.


A module designed to help you with a particular recruitment challenge. For example, you might use Mobile Event Capture to gather the details of Students while at a Fair.

Applicant Open Days App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by events teams to run applicant open days so all faculties can offer specific activities related to each applicant’s course.

Applications App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by admissions teams to manage end-to-end online applications so they can increase conversion rates. This app has two sections - Active and Passive.

  • Active: This part of the App allows full management of applicants' records and other related tasks.

  • Passive: This part of the App only allows you to send Touchpoints.


This is the short code for the Applications App.


This is the short code for the passive Applications App.


Create associations between different records which allows you to link two entities. For instance a Student record in Student Database and a School record on Contact Manager.


An automated process to change or add to certain record fields. Set it up and it will run automatically in the background as records come into the CRM.

Automations Manager (AMM)

An App where Automations are managed and monitored. Find out more in this article.



This is the short code for the Birthdays App.

Birthdays App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by recruitment teams to automatically schedule emails and texts to prospects on their birthdays to stay in touch between campaigns.



This is the short code for the Calendar App.

Calendar App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by anybody who wants to publish a public calendar or list of bookable events on their website. It can also be used to create a private calendar subscription.


A manual campaign created from a Segment. (Currently available in Student Database and Applications). Send email, download or print labels and letters.

Campaign Manager

This app allows you to manage all your UTM, Student and Application campaigns in one place. Send immediate or scheduled campaigns and analyse their performance.


This is the number of students that can be booked onto an Open Day, either on the overall Day or for individual Activities within that Day. Overbooking can cause Capacity Issues, which can be checked in the set-up areas for Open Days.

"Catch-All" Workflow

A record goes onto a "Catch-All" Workflow if it doesn't fulfil the conditions of other workflows.

Checklists App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by project teams to have visibility into the progress of any Student CRM project.


This is the short code for the Checklists App.


A condition can be added to Workflows, Touchpoints, Conditional text or attachments to limit who receives that contact.

Conditional Text

This is a text mask used to merge text into Touchpoints, for example, to add a Student's "known as" name into an email.

This is a record which tells a student what they are giving their permission for you to do. It also shows that a student has given permission to process their data. 

Contact Manager App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by External Relations teams to manage important contacts and organisations, and by Alumni Relations teams to manage new and old graduates.

Course Tags

These allow you to add a tag to any course in the Courses App. This tag is then used to identify a group of courses which are then used in a specific way in another part of the CRM.

Courses App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used to drive subject and course drop-downs in all web forms, and can be used to filter activity reports. 


This is the short code for Campaign Manager


This is the short code for the Courses App.

CSS theme

These are themes created using special code to define how your web forms look. You can select one of the ready-made themes in AOD, EVM, and POD, and use the Theme Preview tool to check the look of your forms.

CSV Data File

These are files used for importing data into the CRM from other sources. "CSV" stands for "Comma Separated Values" in reference to how the data is stored.


This is the short code for the Contact Manager App.



The first page a User sees after successfully logging into the Student CRM. It displays a grid of Apps (as icons) that the user has permission to see and use.

Some individual Apps also have dashboards that show pertinent information.

Data Manager App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by Events' teams to import enquirers data into Student CRM to trigger automated followup emails.


The shortcode for the Deletions tool inside Data Manager App

Deletions Tool

This is a tool inside Data Manager that allows you to schedule automatic deletions for a variety of reasons. Find out more in this article.


This is the short code for the Data Management App.


This is the short code for the Document Library App.

Document Library App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by Recruitment Teams to keep documents linked within emails updated with their latest versions.


This icon will allow you to download an item, such as a label.

Drag State

This is used in regard to the status if a prospective student. It can be:

  • Dead - A prospect that is no longer interested.

  • Red - A prospect in high risk of turning 'Dead'.

  • Amber - A prospect that is losing interest.

  • Green - An interested prospect.


Edit Pencil

This icon will allow you to edit what you are working on, such as a Knowledge Base article.


This is the short code for the Event Day Scanner App.

Email Bounce

When sending a touchpoint or campaign, sometimes the CRM will receive feedback that an email was not delivered. This can take two forms:

  • Hard Bounce - When the recipient's inbox is permanently unavailable. Mails that hard bounce will be deleted from the CRM.

  • Soft Bounce - When the recipient's inbox is temporarily unavailable. The CRM will attempt to redeliver these kinds of emails.


This is the short code for the Enquiries App.

Enquiries App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by Enquiries teams to answer each enquiry automatically routed to their team, using ready-made articles to save time.


The University that has a subscription for a list of Student CRM Apps, and owns all the data generated.

Event Day Scanner

This is a free iOS and Android app for use on smartphones to allow your events team to "check in" visitors to your events.

Event Day Scanner Code

This is a numeric code, unique to each app user, which is generated by the merge tag "[xxxEds.codexxx]".

Event Manager App

This is an app in Student CRM, used by Events teams to run campus tours, group visits and online events while streamlining bookings and increasing attendance.


This is the short code for the Event Manager App.



This is the short code for the Faculties App.


The process of ascertaining an Institution's needs during the implementation phase.

Faculties App

This is an app in Student CRM which is used to maintain a centralised list of your university’s faculties and the departments within.

Faculty Events
These link your Pre-Applicant Open Day Dates to Faculties, so Activities can be created for specific Faculties.

This is the short code for the Field Finder tool, within Data Manager.

Form Field Controls

The way to control your booking form fields, available in Settings > Form in Event Manager.



What you do with data. Create a list of results, then 'Grab' it to send an Ad-hoc or Campaign. When setting up a grab, you can select two types:

  • Static: These are one-off grabs that only affects the data that is present at the time of execution.

  • Dynamic: These are repeating grabs that continuously execute on all incoming data until they're manually cancelled.


These are a great way of organising Campaigns into useful categories and making them easy to search for.



The Subjects and Courses your Students have previously selected on forms.

ISO 2 letter country code

This is the two letter code for countries, as established by the International Organisation for Standardisation.

Example: ES for Spain, DE for Germany and GB for United Kingdom. 




See Tags


This is the short code for the Knowledge Base App.

Knowledge Base App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by enquiries teams as the central source for suggested articles, and for all users to access your own CRM best practice articles. 



This icon will take you to this Help Centre! Within an App, it will take you to the most relevant set of articles.

A legacy consent is a consent created in the standard way that one applies retroactively to all students imported from a previous system


Marketing Unit

Marketing Units (MUs) keep users and students who belong to one department separate from another department within the same University, eg: Domestic and International departments. 

All Users, regardless of their MU, can browse all students within the Student Database. However, as each individual student is ‘owned’ by only one MU, permission must be requested from the owning MU if another MU wishes to contact that student. One User can belong to more than one MU, in which case requesting permission is not necessary.

Magnifying Glass

This icon will take you to view an item, for example, to see the registrants for an Open Day.


This is the short code for the Mobile Event Capture App.

Merge Fields

These are fragments of text contained within square brackets that work in the same way as a mail merge - they inform the touch-point to pull through real data instead of the place-holder text.

Mobile Event Capture App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by Events teams to capture students details on iPads offline at events worldwide, to maximise event performance.


This is the free application for the iOS iPad which allows you to collect prospective students' data at Fairs and Open Days.

More Options

Clicking this icon will bring up more actions you can perform on something.

Multiple Visit Web form

This is a type of web form that can be revisited, and interacted with, many times by a student. For example, a student may make an open day booking, then revisit a few days later to amend their party size.

My Profile

Everything about you, as a User. Includes your Permissions and password management.




An instance of an App, with its own settings and permissions. For example, "UG Applicant Open Days 2020" or "International Prospectus Requests".

Opt-in/ Opt-out
These are used in relation to GDPR consents; a person can opt in or out of being contacted for marketing reasons or on specific channels, for example via SMS.



This stands for Postcode Address File and is used for Postcode look-ups. It operates on a credit basis, which expire after 1 year.

Party Size

This is the total number of people in an Open Day booking, including the student and any guests.

Pause a workflow

A workflow can be temporarily stopped so Touchpoints will not send until it's resumed.


This is a secret set of numbers used to secure Open Day Walk-in forms and the Mobile Event Capture tablet application. It can be reset if required.


This is the short code for the Pre-Applicant Open Days App.

Pre-Applicant Open Days App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by Events teams to run pre-applicant open days where students book their own programmes of activities to explore your campus on the day.

Privacy Centre (PRV) App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used to display the correct consents and topics in your web forms so you can communicate with prospects in a GDPR compliant way.

Prospectus Requests App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by recruitment teams to fulfil postal or digital prospectus requests so you can streamline addressing and posting, saving time and money.


This is the short code for the Prospectus Requests App.




This is the short code for the Rapid Response App.

Rapid Response App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by recruitment and enquiries teams to answer enquiries whilst also sending out information to prospects to reduce response times.


This is the short code for the Regions App.

Regions App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by international teams to organise countries into regions around the world to support their regional teams.

Regions Short Code

This is a non-standardised short-hand term for a collection of countries within the Regions app.


This icon will take you to a list of reports that can be run.

These icons indicate the type of report you'll see; a sparkline or bar graph, a pie chart, or a column chart.


This is someone who answers a survey sent from the Surveys App. The answers they give are called Submissions.

Responsive Email

These are emails which use flexible layouts and CSS media queries to optimise their display. This is dependant on the user's screen size, orientation and device. There are templates within Web Form Manager which offer this functionality. this allows your emails to look good and work well on many devices.

Responsive Web Form

This is a web form that changes according to the users viewing environment. Depending on the screen size, orientation and platform, the form uses flexible layouts and CSS media queries to look good and works well on most devices.



This is a section of the platform that's completely isolated from your live systems to allow you to test your workflows, forms etc in a safe environment.


This is the short code for the Student Database App.


This is short for Scheduled Data Delivery. This can be used, for example, to send a list of addresses to your postroom for students who've requested a physical prospectus. 


A collection of filters which can be used to create a targeted list of results. (Currently available in Student Database and Applications). 

Settings Cog

This icon will take you to the set-up page for an application.

Short code

These three-letter codes are used within Student CRM sometimes, in place of the full app name, ie: 'SDB' instead of Student Database.


A feature in Web Form Builder which lets you 'signpost' or redirect to another form or web page.

Single Visit Web Form

This is a type of web form that is used once by a student in a single interaction. For example, to request a prospectus or make an enquiry.

SMS Message Balance

This allows you to send out SMS Text Messages to your Students. The longer the message, the more you will spend. Find out more about SMS credit balance.


This is a button on the Text Editor which allows you to view the HTML source code of your Touchpoints.


This is the short code for the Surveys App.


Your prospective students, no matter where they are in the journey towards enrolling.

Student Tags

Tags are custom labels that can be added to a Student record. These can be added manually, or to many students at once in Segments or Email Reports.

Student Database App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is where each central student record is created and automatically updated in real time by your recruitment activities.

Student Privacy Centre

This is a website portal that allows a student to control how you use their data, or what manner you use to get in touch with them.


A way to group similar Courses, used on your web forms. Courses can belong to several Subjects. For example, Screenwriting and Advertising courses might come under Art & Design subject.


These are answers given by Respondents to a Survey sent from the Surveys App

Surveys App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by recruitment and admissions teams to create online surveys to monitor student engagement throughout the student journey.



These are extra pieces of meta-data assigned to things like Agents, Courses and Knowledgebase articles which allow you to organise and search with more ease. For example, you may write three articles on setting up an Open Days for different faculties, and tag them Business Open Day and Music Open Day; if a colleague searches for "open day" these articles will appear.


Arrange your Users into Teams and then assign a Student record to a Team. Useful for making sure your recruitment teams have ownership of prospects in particular territories, for example.

Template Builder App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by marketing and recruitment teams to distribute approved email templates for use in campaigns and Touchpoints.

Text Editor

Also known as a WYSIWYG editor, this is the tool used to edit touchpoints, Open Day programs and many other pieces of content.

The Access Platform (TAP)

A chat app for HE and FE providers. Integrate your TAP data with Student CRM in 'Connections'


Tokens are a secret set of alphanumeric characters used to secure, and in some cases identify, users of the Event Day Scanner and Mobile Event Pad tablet applications. These are system generated, and therefore cannot be reset.


This is a marketing subject, set within the Privacy Centre, that students can consent to receive information about. For example, if a student selects the consent topic "Student Life", they give permission to be sent details about life at your organisation.


An automated contact with a student. These can be Emails, SMS or letters and labels produced for you to print and post. Can be sent to everyone or just a particular group, using Conditions.

Touchpoint Status

Touchpoints can now have one of three statuses: 

  • Draft - this means the Touchpoint is in editing mode.

  • Live - this means the touchpoint is primed to send to people, and not editable.

  • Archive - This means that the Touchpoint has been retired. It's not sending or editable, and will be hidden in the workflow.


This is the short code for the Template Builder App.


This is a type of sending preference (the other is 'Marketing') which ensures Students always receive comms, even if they have opted out of a particular channel. This is to ensure that they can still receive some comms, such as an open day booking confirmation email.

Touchpoints and Campaigns are assumed to be Transactional in nature. To exclude opted-out students you must add a condition of, for example, "opted into email=yes".



A chat app for HE and FE providers. Integrate your Unibuddy data with Student CRM in 'Connections'.


This is the short code for the Users App.


You and your colleagues are Users. Anyone who has a login to Student CRM.

User Administrator

User Admins can create, edit and delete Users for their Establishment. On a per-User basis, the User Admin can determine what each User can see and do when they log into the Student CRM.

This icon will take you to User Management.

Users App

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used by your User Admins to create and manage user access to ensure each user sees apps appropriate to their role and permission level.



Web Form Manager

This is an app in Student CRM, and is used to control how each web form looks and behaves when students complete them, and to optimise completion rates.


This is the short code for the Web Form Builder App.


This is the short code for the Workflows aspect of the platform.


A series of automated App touchpoints sent to students which match a particular set of conditions.



Year of Entry

Within the CRM, this is always considered to be the first year for the full academic year. For example, with the academic year 2018/2019, the Year of Entry would be 2018. Learn more about the differences between Academic year and Intake year here.



Arrange an integration with Zuko to get advanced analytics on your web forms.

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