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Boost your Open Day bookings with Facebook (Basic)
Boost your Open Day bookings with Facebook (Basic)

How to make use of a "Call to Action" button

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over a week ago

Did you know that you can use Facebook to drive traffic to your Pre-App Open Day form, Event Manager form or even your Enquiries app?

On your Facebook Page you can add a 'Call to Action' button which you can link to any web page. A great idea is to create a 'Book Now' button which allows your students to visit your Pre Applicant Open day form or Event Manager.

To add a Book Now button for a Pre-Applicant Open Day, using the web address for your Pre-App Open Day form, follow the instructions here: Add an action button to your Facebook Page

Alternatively, you could link the button to the Open Days or Events page on your own website.

If you wanted to use the Call to Action button for Enquiries, you can create a Contact Us button and link it to your Enquiry or Rapid Response form.

Facebook will show you exactly how many clicks your button has received and if you have Google Analytics on your form, you can see how many form completions were referred by Facebook.

TIP: Theme your Facebook cover photo to promote your event, including the venue and dates and then set up your Book Now button.See how it works below:

Maybe you can think of some other ways to link Facebook to your Student CRM forms? Get in touch and let us know!

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