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What are Tags?

Adding meta-data to organise your contacts, agents, courses and others

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 10 months ago

Tags are very simple yet powerful way for you to manage and organise your information in a number of apps, such as Student Database, Courses & Subjects, Applications, and Contact Manager.

You can add an unlimited number of tags to a Student, Course, Contact or Organisation. A tag can be a single word e.g. ‘favourite’ or a phrase e.g. 'has good parking’ and is created when you are editing a Person or Group.

You can add multiple tags, one after the other, separating each one by typing a comma.

A comma is the only character that you cannot include within a tag, therefore, as it is a delimiter that separates one tag from the next as you create multiple tags. If you only want to create one tag simply type one word or a phrase and type a comma to create it as a tag.

As you type your tag it will automatically suggest existing tags for you - this can be particularly useful if you can't remember whether you previously tagged other contacts as ‘silver’ or ‘superb’.

Only Super Users can add new Tags (see "How to manage your Tags" below), so if you can't find what you need in the list, please speak to your Super User.

How to manage your Student Tags

Go to your Setup tab and click 'Tags' tab:

Here you can:

  1. Edit an existing tag (the change will be applied to all records instantly, example: if, as above, you have 169 students with the tag "UCAS 23 Sep 2023" applied, and edit that tag to be "Attended UCAS 23 Sep 2023", then all 169 students get the new tag and the old one is removed.

  2. Delete an old tag, but only if it has no students with that tag applied.

  3. Create a new tag, but it must be unique.

  4. Jump to your tagged records, click the blue count link and it searches for records with that tag:


Q. How long can a tag be?

A. 255 characters, including spaces.

Q. If I have based an Automation on a tag, and I edit that tag, what happens?

A. You will need to update the text in your automation condition too, as the automation will continue to search by the old text in tags, as before.

Q. Where can I manage tags now?

A. In Setup > Tags tab in Student Database (SDB).

Q. Where might I be able to manage tags soon?

A. We'll eventually be rolling out bulk tag management to all places you can add tags. However, there are a lot of places in the platform which do this, so keep an eye out for further announcements.

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