Student tags
Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

Each student record can contain tags. These are visible in the Student Record Card in the Student Database app. Tags are uses to identify students so they can be:

  • searched for in a segment's filter

  • searched for in a manual Find

  • searched for in the Students listing

  • used in the conditions for an Automation

  • used in the conditions for a Touchpoint

Adding tags manually (one at a time)

Click and start typing, it will auto-fill if the tag already exists. You can store as many tags as you like against each student.

Adding tags from email reports (in bulk)

Find the students who did or did not open a particular email campaign or email touchpoint and tag them all at the same time. See:

Adding tags from Segment results (in bulk)

You can add a Tag to all students in your results list when you run a Student Database Segment. See:


Q. If I accidentally click and delete a tag, can I get it back?

A. No. You will have to type it in again.

Q. Can I use spaces in tags?

A. Yes. Signify phrases like 'did not open C145341' with a comma or return afterwards and it all becomes one tag.

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