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How do I use PDF Letters in Applications?

Create PDF Letters for your applicants

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a month ago

The Applications app has a feature that allows you to automatically generate five types of PDF Letter for any application: Unconditional Offer Letter, Conditional Offer Letter, CAS Letter, Rejection Letter, and Declined Letter.

Letters are multi-page PDFs with optional front and back covers. One PDF with as many pages as you like (after all, you might want lots of content merged into the letter).

Start off in Applications Active (APS) > Setup > Letters:

Step 1: set up the basics

  1. Upload your Letterhead Template (A4 size).

  2. Set the margins inside which your merged content will be printed.

  3. Upload your signature (png, jpg, or gif).

Step 2: set up your letters

By default all these letters use your basic Letterhead and Margins, but you can also change, per letter:

  1. A different Content Page (this doesn't affect your basic Letterhead).

  2. Different Merge margins (this doesn't affect your basic Margins).

  3. A front cover (one A4 page, no merged content appears here).

  4. A back cover (one A4 page, no merged content appears here).

  5. The text content with merged fields from each application.

  6. Alternative versions for your officers to choose from

Each PDF letter can be previewed (downloaded as a PDF with test data in it) that has been stitched together to create one personalised, branded PDF letter:

Front Cover + Contents page with merged letter text + Back Cover

Want to download a sample?


Q. When are these Letter Templates used?

A. Whenever an officer uses an action like 'Send Unconditional Offer Letter' the Letter Template text is presented to the officer to read and check one last time. If they want to edit this student's letter they can do this now. Ordinarily there is no need. The letter is then generated as a PDF, and is ready to be sent. Always in 2 stages, first generate the letter, and then send it.

Q. Do I have to add covers?

A. No. You can choose none, just one, or both.

Q. I want to upload a big PDF, what limits are there?

A. You can upload an A4 PDF up to 50MB in size for each of the three items. The size is optimised automatically when it is generated.

Q. How do margins work?

A. You set them so the letter's merged content does not print over any part of your Letterhead design. If you try to set extreme margins you will see a warning.

Q. How does the address block work?

A. The address block is always displayed, and is positioned within your margins at the top, aligned left, and is in Helvetica 10pt, black. These are set by the system and can’t be edited. The address block comprises the following fields:

Title + Firstname + Lastname 
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3

If the address is a UK address the country field is skipped. If any fields are not present they are also skipped.

Q. Can I download a sample multi-page Letter PDF?

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