How do I answer an enquiry?

Responding to your students in the Enquiries app

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over a week ago


To answer an enquiry:

  1. Click the Enquiries app icon from the home page.

  2. Filter your list to view 'Open' and 'New' enquiries. You can also filter on enquiries already assigned to you.

  3. Click into the enquiry you want to answer.

  4. Either click the More Options buttons, followed by "respond" or, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  5. There are a few different ways you can answer the enquiry:

  • Type your answer out into the text box.

  • Add a pre-saved reply - click the document icon at the right of the text box, search for the answer you want, then check the boxes to add as many saved replies as you need.

  • Ask an expert for help, by clicking over to the Expert tab.

6. Once you're happy with your answer, click the Send button. Your response will appear in blue under the student's response. Check the "Not seen yet/ Seen" status under your message (on the left) to check if the student has seen your reply. If the email chain becomes too long, you can collapse the extraneous information by clicking on the three bars at the bottom-center of a message and dragging it up to hide.

Extra Options


If you need to hand over to another person, or maybe want to request help from a manager, you can use the note tab to add a private message that only your teammates can see.


On this tab, you can add a summary of what happened during the enquiry conversation, and what your outcomes were.

This is displayed in the Enquiry Details card, so that you can see at a glance what the Enquiry was about.


Q. Why is this conversation bold - I thought I'd replied to it?

Any time an enquirer replies to the enquiry, it's made bold in the listing to let you know there was a response you need to follow up on.

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