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Nationality and Country IDs

List of Nationality and Country IDs to use in Touchpoint conditions, and each Country's ISO Alpha-2 Code when preparing data for import

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over 4 months ago

If you want to use Nationality or Country in your touchpoint conditions, or when preparing your data from import, you will need to use the correct ID. 

Nationality ID and Country ID have the same value. For example, the country 'Afghanistan' has a Country ID of "1", and the nationality 'Afghan' has a Nationality ID of "1". 

If you are looking to use Nationality or Country in a data import you need to use the Country's ISO Alpha-2 Code.  For example, the ISO Alpha-2 Country Code for 'Afghanistan' is 'AF'.

Please Note: XF, XI, XH & XG are not recognized as ISO 3166 country codes. You must use GB instead.

Please Note: While Kosovo is not recognized by ISO 3166, we follow HESA's guidance and use the code QO.

All the codes you need are right here (click the image to download the Countries & Nationalities XLS):

Or download the Countries & Nationalities XLS here.

Want to know which countries are in the EU?


Q. Why does the CRM use the ISO countries list and not HESA's country list?

A. While HESA's list is based off of the ISO list, it includes some custom user codes defined by the National Statistics Country Classification, 2006 (NSCC). We feel it's better to reference the International Standard, which is regularly reviewed and updated.

HESA's listing also has more applicability for Applications than it does for geographical addresses. In order to use the Address Lookup system, we must use the ISO listing. For example, HESA still references 'Vietnam' while the ISO references as 'Viet Nam', which allows the address lookup system to correctly find Vietnamese addresses.

Q. How can I ensure we're mapping the countries codes from HESA to ISO correctly?

HESA's guidance is very comprehensive and for the most part follows the ISO list. However, pay attention to where it uses codes starting with X. For example XA - Cyprus (European Union), would need to be remapped to CY

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