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Contact Manager Permissions
Contact Manager Permissions

See who can do what in the Contact Manager app

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over a week ago

Read-Only users can:  

  • View the dashboard

  • View the Contacts list

  • View a Contact

  • Download a document

  • View the Organisations list

  • View an Organisation

  • View the list of forms associated with an occurrence (can edit with appropriate permissions in WFB)

  • Run reports

  • View the Leads list

  • View a Lead

  • From a Lead, jump to the associated Contact

  • Watch the training video

  • View the "Who has Access" tab

  • Create Segments (If the user has "AGM and CTM Segments" enabled)

  • Create Campaigns (If the user has "AGM and CTM Campaigns" enabled)

Read-Write users can also: 

  • Add, edit or delete a Contact

  • Add, edit or delete a note on a Contact

  • Add and edit tasks on a Contact

  • Send the Contact a one-to-one email or SMS

  • Add, edit or delete an Organisation

  • Add, edit or delete a note on an Organisation

  • Add a new note type

  • Link a Contact to an Organisation

  • Add and edit tasks on an Organisation

  • Download a document

  • Add, edit or delete a document

  • Delete a Lead

  • Link a Lead to an Organisation

  • Add and edit tasks on a Lead

  • Assign a Lead an Owner, category or Status

  • Add, edit or delete Officer notes on a Lead

Super Users can also: 

  • Merge Contacts or Orgs

  • Change the dashboard

  • Set the default email template for one-to-one Contacts comms

  • Apply the default Consent pack for new Contacts created via the Plus icon or import

  • Link CTM with a Knowledgebase of Saved Replies

  • Add, edit or delete items from the Lead dropdown lists

  • Add new tags

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