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Workflow & Touchpoint FAQs

Applicant Open Days specific workflow & touchpoint questions

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over 3 years ago

Q. Why did a previously bookable student, who then swapped to "not bookable", still get sent Applicant day invitations?

A. If a student has ever been marked as bookable, they will remain on the "bookable" workflow. Changing them to not bookable will not remove them from this workflow.

To counteract this, add the 'Bookable = 1' condition to your Invite touchpoints to exclude student who have become not bookable:

Q. If a student applies, goes onto the applicant day 'Invited' workflow and then are subsequently rejected, decline or withdraw their application do they stay on the workflow?

A. Yes. You can avoid them being sent any further invite touchpoints by ensuring that your 'Invite' workflow has the condition of Bookable = 1 (yes). This way, if the student no longer matches the condition of the invite list, then they become Bookable = 0 (no).

Q. If an applicant books onto an event, goes onto the applicant day 'Booked' workflow and then are subsequently rejected, decline or withdraw their application, do they stay on the workflow?

A. Yes. Canceling the student's booking will remove them from the workflow and stop them receiving any further communications about that event.

Q. What change condition should I use for my post-event comms?

A. We recommend that you use Status Change for any touchpoints in your Attended or Not Attended workflows.

Q. Can I have multiple Touchpoints per workflow?

A. Of course! Perhaps you'd like to invite students with specific courses, or want to send a repeat general invite. Just create a new touchpoint, and it'll go out as normal.

Q. Why do we have student in the End of Season (EOS) Not Attended workflow, when we still have Events available?

A. This is due to a clash between the date an Event is marked as attended and the publishing date of a following Event.

For example, Event X's attendance is marked on 12th February, and Event Y is published on 14th February. Because there is no Event for them to book onto, the Not Attended students from Event X go onto the EOS Not Attended workflow.

This does not stop them from booking onto Event Y as soon as it comes available.

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