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Embedding a web form using a CMS
Embedding a web form using a CMS

For Student CRM web forms you will use JavaScript

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over 8 months ago

It is simple to embed Student CRM web forms. As long as you have full administrative privileges on your website to edit scripts, such as HTML and JavaScript, you use the method that suits your needs best. For Student CRM web forms you will use JavaScript.

This way, whenever you edit your online form in Student CRM's Web Form Builder, the changes will automatically display on your webpage. Remember: your web form is not static code, it is built dynamically each time the web page containing it is viewed.

That is why you use the code snippet, not static HTML code.

The following uses Umbraco CMS as an example. You may find your own website CMS works differently, but this is provide some pointers to get up and running.

Step 1

Click the 'Code Snippet' button to view and copy the code snippet from Student CRM's Web Form Builder (NB: in the example below, you might notice the src of the iframe is blank. Don’t panic! The script lines above it fill it in for the end-user when they visit the page):

Step 2

In your website editor, go to the Files tab and create a New File.

Step 3

In the lightbox, select HTML or CSHTML. Next, press Ok.

A script will appear on screen, on the right. Place the cursor between the body tags:

<body> </body>

Paste the code snippet there.

Step 4

Rename the file if needed and you’ll see the results by launching the file in your browser (right-click file and select Launch in browser).

Step 5

Optional housekeeping - copy and paste the URL of the public page into Web Form Builder's Locations tab, so you keep a record of all locations where the snippet is used.

(Content published with grateful thanks to

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