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How to add and edit Workflows

Create and clone your own workflows, change conditions, status and more.

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

You can add new and edit existing Workflows in AOD, POD, EVM, MEC, PRQ, and RAP, in the Setup: Workflows tab:

You can create a Workflow from scratch, OR you can Clone an existing Workflow.

To create a Workflow from scratch follow these steps:

1. About

In '1. About' you can name, describe and change the status of your workflow.

  • Workflow - the unique name

  • Description - what this workflow does

  • Status - Draft, Live, Finishing

  • Valid from - the date this workflow starts working from

2. Conditions

In '2. Conditions' you can manage the conditions that each new arrival must meet to be added. You can add unlimited conditions. Each condition that you add comprises:

  • Field - select a field from the dropdown (ie: 'PRQ - Year of entry' or 'SDB - Country id')

  • Operator = select from the dropdown (ie: 'equals')

  • Value - type in (ie: '2021') or select from the dropdown (ie: 'Denmark')

3. Touchpoints

In '3. Touchpoints' you can manage which touchpoints get sent out and when. In the listing, you can view, sort, and filter all touchpoints.

For each touchpoint you can:

  • Edit the Touchpoint (including pausing and deleting).

  • Clone the Touchpoint.

  • View the Touchpoint's Performance.

You can also create a new Touchpoint from scratch, by clicking the 'Add' icon.

4. Arrivals (Applications, etc)

In '4. Arrivals' you can view and search arrivals on this workflow. (NB: in different apps this name will change, so in APS the arrivals are 'Applications', in RAP the arrivals are 'Requests', in MEC they are 'Registrations', etc). In the listing, you view all arrivals and can search them, and then view the details.

5. Performance

In '5. Performance' you can monitor how many touchpoints this workflow has ever sent out. You can filter the date range to chart.

Cloning an existing Workflow

You can clone the Workflow into the same occurrence, or into a different occurrence of that app:

When you Clone a Workflow, a new Workflow is created that contains all the same About info, Conditions, and Touchpoints. It is saved in Draft status, so it is not open to any new arrivals.


Q. How do I pause all Touchpoints from being sent out by a Workflow for a short period?

A. This article shows you how: How to pause Touchpoints with Workflow controls.

Q. How do I delete a Workflow?

A. You set the status to 'archived'. Once a Workflow is set to Archived, it is hidden from the Listing unless the “Show archived” checkbox is ticked at the top of the page. This is handy for keeping your list of Workflows tidy, especially if you have many Workflows that were testers or contained incorrect information. If at a later date you want to resurrect an archived Workflow, simply change the status back to draft or live.

Q. Which order do Workflows get processed in?

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