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Roles for CRM users

We recommend that you assign a user to each of these roles

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over 2 years ago

In your Establishment card is the 'Roles' tab:

To get the most from Student CRM we recommend that you assign a user to each of these roles:

Contract Manager

The Contract Manager is responsible for liaising with the supplier and all matters contractual and commercial both during and after implementation.

Implementation Manager

The Implementation Manager represents the establishment during the implementation period when Student CRM is being delivered.

CRM Manager

The CRM Manager is responsible for CRM oversight within the establishment and is usually the most experienced senior superuser, with the most time logged using and configuring the CRM.

Credit Manager

Credit notifications and statements are sent to this user (SMS, address lookups, and email).

Security Manager

The Security Manager is responsible for 2FA policy and compliance by users.


Q. Why is this important?

A. It helps us to know who to contact in your establishment should an issue in any of these areas arise, and it's good for you to know too.

Q. Do all our users appear in the dropdown list?

A. All your 'active' users only. NB: If a role has been assigned to a user who has since been deactivated, a warning will remind you to assign a new user to that role.

Q. Can I assign the same users to multiple roles?

A. Yes. This is often the case with smaller teams.

Q. Can I create other, new roles?

A. Not right now.

Q. Do these roles have anything to do with permissions to see apps?

A. No.

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