With your Establishment card, you can edit your university's details.
You can also adjust settings for:
2FA - where you configure two-factor authentication for your users, to add an extra layer of security. Read this article.
Roles - this is where you assign practical CRM roles to your users, like the person who installed the CRM all those years ago, and your most experienced CRM user. Read this article.
Goals - helping you to see if you are achieving your recruitment goals. Read this article.
Licence - see which apps your university has subscribed to.
Departments - Allows you to set the departments in your establishment for use in many places, such as Knowledgebase.
Brand Colours - Allows you to select the common brand colours you use for easy access in Template Builder. See this article for more information.
Brand Fonts - Allows you to upload your own fonts for use in emails. See this article for more information.
Brand Image Bank - Allows you to upload your most commonly used images for easy access in Template Builder. See this article for more information.
Change Log - a searchable log of all changes made, helpful to see who assigned you the role of "CRM Manager" last week!
Your Establishment details - edit name, address, website, logo, and social media links.
Q. How do I find the Establishment card?
A. Click the Cog on your Home page. If you don't see a cog, your User profile has not had the 'Can Manage CRM Account' updated to 'yes'. Ask your User Admin to do this for you.
Q. What if I am not sure how to complete it?
A. You will see that your Account Manager has already completed the basic details and can help you on a quick Zoom to do the rest with you. Just ask.
Q. What are 'Roles' and 'Goals'?
A. Roles are users who have certain skills and responsibilities, and Goals are what you expect to get out of using Student CRM, for example: "We aim to increase annual enrolments by 10%." and "We aim to increase student engagement by 20%."