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The Building Blocks of the Easy Builder Editor
The Building Blocks of the Easy Builder Editor

The finer details of the Easy Builder Drag-and-Drop Editor

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over 4 months ago

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The Easy Builder Template system is a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG editor for helping you create beautiful emails to send to students and contacts.

All changes are saved automatically, but you can use the arrow buttons on the left to undo or redo changes. There's also the option to full-size the editor using the "expanding" arrows to make viewing your work easier.

The editor is split into three sections: Body, Blocks, and Content.


The body of the template is the container for all other parts of the email, which as blocks and content.

This tab is where you change the settings for text, links and background details which will become the default for all your content (unless it's overridden).

You'll also find the settings for the maximum width of the template and the global alignment option.


A block is where you add content. A template can contain many blocks and one block can contain many types of content, allowing you to be fully creative in how you build your template.

Blocks come in various column types ensuring your content is exactly where you want it. For example, above we can see the header image is in a one-column block.

Blocks can also be moved around, cloned or fully removed using the tools on the right of each block.

Each block can be customized to have a different colour as the main background, the "inside" background, and also a background image.

For example, below, the top block is set to have the main background colour as white, and the "inside" background colour as lime green, contrasting it with the block below.


There are six main content types:

  • Heading - choose from Heading levels 1-4

  • Image - bring in an image from your computer, or select from your Brand Image Bank

  • Button - add a clear Call to Action with a button link

  • Text - say what you've got to say

  • Spacer - give your email a bit more padding, or create a horizontal rule to delineate information

  • Video - Link a video from Youtube or Vimeo with automatic thumbnail generation

Each content type allows you to fully customise what you're making, such as changing text fonts and colours, adding links, updating the padding and alignment, and much more.

You can also use the tools on the right of each content type to move, clone, or remove an item.


Q. Do you have any examples of templates made in Easy Builder that I can copy?

A. Yes. Take a look in the Ready-Made section of the Gallery. Each occurrence comes shipped with these 4 examples.

Q. Are templates built with the Easy Builder editor responsive?

A. Yes. We use modern techniques to ensure your Easy Builder templates are fully responsive and can be viewed on many types of devices.

Q. Can I automatically convert a Classic template over to an Easy Build template?

A. No. These cannot be automatically converted. You'll need to rebuild them yourself. But once one is built, you can use the "show in gallery" option to help you quickly clone new templates.

Q. Can I edit the HTML or CSS that the Easy Builder Editor outputs?

A. No. The Easy Builder Editor is designed for non-technical users so that anyone with an eye for design can build templates. The HTML and CSS output is optimised to ensure that your emails are responsive, readable and perfect in every way.

If you wish to create templates from scratch, writing your own HTML and styles, the Classic builder is still available.

Q. The Social Media icons on my template are staticking vertically on mobile view instead of horizontally. How do I stop this?

A. No problem. Click on the Block to bring the Row settings up, then change the "Column stacking" toggle to be off:

This will format the row so that the Social Media icons display correctly on smaller devices:

Q. Can I link to a video that's not on Youtube or Vimeo?

A. Not currently. If there's a reason you can't use either of those two services, get in touch with Customer Support.

Q. What's the maximum image file size we can use in emails?

A. We recommend no more than 20mb for all images included in an email, due to restrictions placed by mailbox providers.

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