Copy to Contacts

How to copy a student record from Student Database to a Contact in Contact Manager

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

If you find a record in Student Database (SDB) and think this student should be in CTM because they are not a student, but a teacher, a parent, etc, this is how you do it.

Just click the More Options > Copy to Contacts feature on that student's record card, and the info is copied across to a Contact Manager occurrence of your choice.

How to:

  1. In SDB, on the Student's record card, click More Options > Copy to Contacts.

  2. Select the CTM occurrence.

  3. Either click 'Copy and close' to stay in SDB, or click 'Copy and view' to jump to the new contact record in CTM.


Q. Which fields are copied across?

A. A student record is similar to a contact record but not identical, so these 20 x SDB fields are copied into CTM: title, first_name, middle_name, last_name, known_as, gender, date_of_birth, address_1, address_2, address_3, town, postcode, country_iso_2, nationality, email_address, mobile_number, opt_in_email, opt_in_phone, opt_in_postal, opt_in_sms.

Q. Does this delete the original student record in SDB afterward?

A. No, but each student will have a log entry of "copied to Contact Manager".

Q. Can I copy lots at once?

A. No. Until the Bulk Actions feature becomes available in SDB, you'll need to use the Rolodex to move between Students.

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