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Email signatures in Enquiries

Each enquiries officer can select one that suits the mood

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over 5 months ago

When replying to a student you can add in your own Enquiries signature after you have typed your reply.


In this reply, everything below the auto text "Hi Richard" is from my Enquiries signature:

A. How to create your own Enquiries signature:

In your Knowledgebase app, create a Category called 'Signatures', this is where you and your colleagues will keep their Enquiries signatures.

  1. Create a new article and call it 01. Dom signature 'anything else'.

  2. Add it to the Signatures category.

  3. Set Visibility to 'Just me'.

  4. Set the Status to 'Live'.

Like this:

B. How to use your Enquiries signature:

1. When replying, click the 'Saved replies' icon in the toolbar:

2. Next, search for and select your signature:

3. Click 'Use in my reply'. Tada!

C. Advanced Signatures

Create several signatures, each one with a different purpose, ie:

  • '01. Just looking into that for you' (holding whilst you ask an expert or a colleague).

  • '01. Anything else I can help with?' (you think it's all wrapped up but want to check before closing).

  • '01. Thank you and bye' (you are closing this now as the student appears satisfied).

  • '01. Screamer' (student is irate so you empathise and reassure you are working to resolve the issue as a priority).

  • '01. Sweetie' (student is very pleased, so you ask her to spread the love on social media with links).

OK, why the text '01. ' at the beginning of every saved reply?

Article titles are never seen by the student so their main purpose is to be useful for you when searching. By adding numbers (they display sorted A-Z) you can group certain saved replies together. I call this 'quick codes'.

When you get really proficient you will think: "aha, this enquiry looks like a number 7" and get your saved replies back out in seconds.

Combine your favourite informational replies, ie: "about accommodation" with your favourite signature, ie: '01. Anything else I can help with?' and you can really fly.

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