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Enquiries Set-up

How to use the Set-up options in Enquiries

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 2 months ago

There are a number of options within the settings of Enquiries that require a little attention before your Enquiries team can run like the well-oiled machine they are. These options are:

We'll go through these in more depth below.


Templates are set up via the Template Builder app. Simply use the “Load a template” drop-down to select which template you’d like to use. You can also change how you want the subject, reply name and email to appear.


Here you can set the different categories your Enquiries team might use. To add, simply click the Plus icon, give the category a name and check if it’s the Default Category, and add who should be notified of enquiries in this category.

Categories can be edited or deleted at any time, aside from the Default category. You can only delete a category that was Default if you’ve first reassigned the Default status.

Categories also power the Enquiries Categories field on an RAP form. If you need to edit this field, simply edit the categories list, then on the RAP form, edit and save the Enquiries block.

Q. What if I don't want to add an email to be notified?

A. As this is something the platform currently expects, we recommend adding a '.' or other single character (not a space) to avoid this.


Student CRM can send you and your colleagues an email notification, so you never miss an enquiry. The frequency of these notifications can be changed as you wish. All times are in GMT.

Inbound email (IEM)

Here is where you’ll find your inbound email address. You can find out more about how you use this in this article: How do I forward an email into Enquiries? 

This email address is set up by the system, so you don’t need to worry about setting it up. However, you do need to set how these emails are imported into Student CRM. If you use Microsoft products, you’ll likely use Outlook, so we recommend you select “Outlook Redirect”. However, if you find that prevents the CRM from importing your email, or you use a different method, then please select “Default”.

You can also add, edit and delete email addresses you’d like to ignore - such as spam content - by clicking the Plus icon to add, and the Pencil icon to edit/ delete.

Please Note: This list is not a block list. It only stops specific emails from being automatically turned into Students.


Here you can set the reason an enquiry has been closed or deleted, and also which list the reason will show in. For example, you may want to have “Spam enquiry” in the Deleted list, or “Student is satisfied with our answer” in the Closed list.

To add a reason, simply click the Plus icon.

Saved Replies

This is where you set up your Knowledgebase integration. You can learn more about how Enquiries works with Knowledgebase and Rapid Response in this article.
Learn how to integrate Knowledgebase with Enquiries in this article.


Here you can select which Consent Pack you want automatically added to all enquiries. Consent packs need to first be set up in Privacy Centre.

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