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How does a student create a Privacy Centre account?
How does a student create a Privacy Centre account?

Helping your students control their consents and topics

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 5 years ago

A student can create a Privacy Centre account by clicking on the link sent to them in an email. This can be done through a Campaign or Touchpoint which includes the Student Opt-in merge field:

For Touchpoints and Ad-hoc campaigns, use:

[xxxOptOutLink|update your contact preferences herexxx]

Or for Campaigns, use:

{|Student_OptOutLink|update your contact preferences here|}

You can also send them a link to the Privacy Centre from the Student Record Card by clicking on the three dots at the top of the card.

Once a student clicks on the link, they're sent to a page that will allow them to register and set their password. Then, when they have registered, they'll need to confirm their account, after which they can log in.

There they'll see a screen like the one below:

As you can see, at the top of the Welcome Page are different pages they can navigate to.

My Profile:

This page will show the student all the information about themselves that you wish to show them. You can choose to show them most of the information you have on them, or only their name and email address.

My Consent:

This will give the student all the options to change their consents on how you can contact them.

My Topics:

This displays which topics the student is currently receiving. Here they can also change what topics they receive information about.

Privacy Policy:

This page displays your Privacy Policy, per the consent the student has given. It may contain details such as 'Why we need your data' and 'How long will we have your data' etc.

Contact Us:

This page will lead to a form that the student fills out to talk to your establishment. They will be able to select a reason why they're contacting you, from 'I have a question' to 'I'm withdrawing all my consents'.


This logs the student out, exactly as it says. The student can log back in anytime with their email address and password.

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