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How can I clone an Applicant Open Day Season?
How can I clone an Applicant Open Day Season?

Last year's Open Days season was a masterpiece of planning. Luckily you can clone it for this year!

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 12 months ago

It's an easy process, with plenty of prompts on the way to help you create your day, your way. Head to the Setup for your new occurrence of Applicant Open Days.

Here you can choose to clone Course Groups or Dates from any previous year's set-up - for example, to clone course groups from 2021 to 2022, head into your 2022 occurrence, click "clone" and select your 2021 occurrence.

Or if you want, you can clone from the same occurrence you are currently working in!

Three quick answers to your questions:

  1. Do I have to clone everything from last year? No, you don't. You can pick and choose what events you want to clone.

  2. Once my day is cloned, do I need to do anything else? You'll still need to check the setup of your events is correct for this year, but all the hard work is already done.

  3. Can I start right now? As long as you have courses set up for the new year of Applications, yes you can.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with CRM Support.


Q. What does "Course does not exist or is already in a Course Group" mean?

A. This means either:

  • you need to create and publish a course for the next years of entry. For example, when cloning from an occurrence with 2020 and 2021 years of entry, you'd need to make sure you had a 2022 version of the course.

  • The courses with those Years of Entry are already present within a course group. Congratulations, your work here is done.

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