How do I set up Interview Slots?

Set up Interview slots for your applicants.

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over a week ago

Course Groups with an Event Type of 'Interview' allow you to set up interview slots.
To set up your Interviews:

  1. Click the Events tab.

  2. Click the edit pencil icon for the Event with Interviews to set up.

  3. Click the Add Interview button at the bottom of the page in the Interviews section.

  4. Fill in the required information. See below for a description of each piece of information.

  5. Click the Save button.

Your Interview Slot is now saved. You can add as many Interview Slots as required. Students will be able to see the duration of an Interview Slot.

The information required when setting up an Interview is:

Start Time - The start time of the Interview, e.g. “11:00”.
Duration - How long the Interview lasts in minutes, e.g. “30”.
Capacity - The number of students to be Interviewed in a single time slot, e.g. “5”. This capacity is students only, it does not include guests.
Venue - The location of the Interview, e.g. “Room 205, Building...”.
Programme Text - The text that appears on the student’s personalised programme at the end of the booking process, e.g. “Please bring your portfolio...”.

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