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How do I set up my Applicant Open Days?

Setting up Applicant Open Days for a new year isn't difficult... as long as you've done a little preparation beforehand!

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 5 years ago

We recommend gathering together all your schedules, venue arrangements, programme texts, course groups, and etc before you start your set up.

Below, you'll find links to a step by step guide to setting up your Applicant Open Day for interviews and activities. Our CRM Support team are here to help if you get stuck with anything. We've also included a worked example.

Applicant Open Day Set-up example

Here we’re going to show the set up of an Applicant Open Day in our fictional establishment, Branksome University. We want to invite students who have applied for a music course to look at our campus, experience a typical lesson, and attend an audition. We’re going to do this on the 7th of March 2020. We know we only have a few professors available to conduct the lessons, so we’re also going to limit the open day to 50.

Invite lists

We want to get all new 2020 applicants, so we have the CS team set up an invite list with the conditions:
Status = New (REF)
Year of Entry = 2020

Course groups

Next, we only want to invite musical applicants to this day, so we make a course group to bring together only those courses in the School of Music:

As we also want the students to attend an audition, we’ll make the group an “interview” type. In the Programme Text, we’ll remind students to bring their instruments with them.


Now we need to set up when the Open Day will happen. We already know the date will be 7th March 2020, but here we can also add more programme text, and define how many people we can take.

Events and Activities

Now we set up the course-specific event. 

Inside this event, we’ll set up the various activities and audition times. We want our students to see the campus, have a taster lesson, and have an audition. We probably also want to scan them in, so we’ll add a registration event where we can give them some goodies like waterbottles.

If you were creating a multi-faculty Open Day, you might decide to put some activities, such as the registration and lunch, into an Open Day Date activity.


Once we’re happy that our events, activities and information is correct, we can publish our Events and Open Day.

Programme preview

Once the Open Day is published, we can check that everything has been set up correctly by using the Programme Preview.

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