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Attachments in Enquiries

How students can send you their files

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

If an enquirer wants to send you a file, let's say their GCSE Certificate, there are 3 ways to do that in the Enquiries app:

  • In an existing enquiry: you might ask them if they have any qualifications and all they do is reply to your email with it attached. It arrives in their enquiry instantly.

  • In a new enquiry (emailed to your catch-all email) it arrives in the Enquiries app as a new enquiry, with the file attached.

  • In a new enquiry from your Rapid Response web form, all they do is upload it in the form before submitting and it arrives in the Enquiries app as a new enquiry, with the file attached.


Max of 20MB of files in one reply - so that can be 2 files of 10MB each, 5 files of 4MB each or 1 file of 20MB. More than enough.

No limit on replies per enquiry, or enquiries per student, or files per student.

File types supported?

The following file types are supported via the uploader on an Enquiry form: csv, doc, docx, gif, HEIC (Apple-based Image compression), jpeg, jpg, odp (presentations), ods (spreadsheets), odt (word processing), pdf, png, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.

In addition to the above, there are many other file types which can be accepted via IEM, such as mp4 and wav. The only unsupported types are executable files (eg exe) and Zip files.

Why can't I open the Zip File on this Enquiry?

This is part of our risk mitigation policies. In order to keep your computers and the CRM safe from malicious attacks, we don't allow ZIP files to be accessed from the CRM.

The CRM is built to prevent malicious files, such as executable files (.exe), being sent to you. Zip files are containers for other files, and we are unable to check that the contents of the container is safe before you open it. 99.99% of what you receive will be innocent, but to protect you from that 0.01%, we do not allow Zip files into the CRM.

Where is it stored?

Each attachment gets immediately encrypted and stored in that enquiry. It is also visible in the Student Record Card, under the Documents tab.

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