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Signpost item in web forms

How to use the signpost item to make your web forms even more dynamic

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a month ago

This is a signpost at the top of a form - it loads the LONGER or the SHORTER form when the student selects the other form:

Jump to:

The Signpost item in Webform Builder can be used to direct a student to another form, website, or show a text block, depending on the answer they select from the dropdown.

This can ensure that students don't fill out the wrong form by directing them to the correct one, or even tell them they need to call for assistance.

For example, you ask the student "Where do you live?".

Each of the four answers that the student can select from your dropdown will carry out a different action that you can set:

  • "UK" (Do nothing)

  • "Europe" (Load in a different form built for APS, PRQ, RAP, or SRV)

  • "Rest of World" (Replace form with a text block)

  • "The Dark Side of The Moon" (Open URL in a new tab)

The 'Do nothing' option

In this example, the signpost item is already on our UK form, so UK students don't need to be sent elsewhere. The "UK" dropdown selection is set to "Do nothing" so that the student can continue to fill out the form as normal.

The 'Load in a different form' option

Continuing with the example, EU students need to be forwarded to a different form. A new dropdown is added with the value set to to "Europe", the action being "Load in a different form". The sister form is selected, so that students are now directed to the correct form to fill in.

You can select to jump to a form built for any of the following apps: APS, PRQ, RAP, or SRV.

The 'Replace form with text block' option

In this example, the Uni doesn't yet take students from outside of the EU area, so when "Rest of World" is selected, the student is shown a text block instead of the form.

The 'Open URL in a new tab' option

As an "everything else" option on this example signpost, the last dropdown's value is "The Dark Side of The Moon" which opens a new tab and plays a YouTube video.

Note: the current UK form stays open in the previous tab.


Q. Can I add more than one Signpost item to one webform?

A. Yes, you can add as many as you like.

Q. Can I build a web form with just a signpost (ie: with no other fields or a submit button on the form)?

A. Yes you can.

Q. Are signpost items required to be completed??

A. No. So you can add a signpost to a webform and whether it is clicked or not it is always ignored by the form when submitted.

Q. How many options can I add to the dropdown menu?

A. As many as you like. Even though the example in this article only show one of each type, there is no reason why you couldn't have 10, 20 or more options, each one carrying one of the 4 actions.

We recommend that any very complex form associations you make should be recorded within your establishment's internal Knowledgebase.

Q. Could this possibly open up a wormhole πŸ•³ in space-time if I send one signpost to another signpost form and on to another signpost form... ad infinitum?

A. Yes we think so. Take care πŸ˜ƒ

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