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Student portfolio

Collect the link where students host their PPT, PDF or video portfolio

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

Want a student to submit their portfolio, for example, PowerPoint, PDF, or video files?

The student portfolio field is available to be used in your web forms, so students can provide a URL to their hosted PPT, PDF or video, ie: when they complete any web form.

Example student portfolio on YouTube - thanks, Emily :)

Ways to use the field:

  • Add it to any Web Form you build in Web Form Builder.

  • Send a URL in with an Application via the API to the Applications app .

  • View the URL on the Student Record Card.

  • Segment and download via Campaign Manager, or use for BI via Data Packs


Q. Can students upload their movie or PDF using this field?

A. No. this only accepts a URL, such as

Q. Where can a student see where they can give you their portfolio URL?

A. On any web form where you have added the 'SDB - Portfolio' field.

Q. If a student completes two web forms a week apart, giving a different portfolio URL in each form, will I see them both?

A. Only the very latest Portfolio link shows on the Student's Record Card in the Student Database app, so any older portfolio links get overwritten.

Q. How can I find Students who've submitted a portfolio URL?

A. Use a segment with the condition "Student Database Portfolio URL is not empty" to find all Students with a portfolio, or "contains {youtube}", for example, to find all youtube links.

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