When you preview a touchpoint, you might notice it's addressed to "John", and includes some details that don't quite match up with your establishment's course details.
This is because John Doe is our test record for touchpoint merge tags so that you get a better idea of how your touchpoint will look to a student.
The below tables show what details John Doe has on this test record so you know what to expect when previewing your touchpoint merge tags.
Student Details
Field | Value |
title | Mr |
first_name | John |
last_name | Doe |
email_address | |
telephone_number | 01202 477855 |
mobile_number | 07700 900855 |
address_1 | Bourne Gardens |
address_2 | Exeter Park Road |
town | Bournemouth |
country | Dorset |
postcode | BH2 5BD |
countries_name | United Kingdom |
countries_iso_code_2 | GB |
date_of_birth | 2000-01-01 |
uuid_short | 799b3ql57lvw55n1oibvpeq59 |
uuid_long | 7a9520ab-6f97-4713-9c39-6a34b90740dd |
ucas_applicant_ref | ucasref_12345678 |
mis_code | miscode_12345678 |
known_as | Jo |
Touchpoint Privacy Center link |
Course of Interest
Field | Value |
course_name | Accounting |
course_code | ACC123 |
ucas_code | AC12 |
url | |
course_aim | BSc (Hons) |
year_of_entry | Current calendar year + 1 |
intake_month | 9 |
level_name | Undergraduate |
level_short_code | UG |
subject_name | Finance and Business |
faculty_name | Example Faculty |
faculty_short_code | EXFC |
Applications specific values
Field | Value |
year_of_entry | Current calendar year + 1 |
intake_month | 9 |
status | ref |
feed_application_uid | 123456789 |
encoded_urn | urn_12345abcde%£ |
offer_letter_link | |
course_intake | September [Current calendar year +1] |
mis_application_id | mis_app_id_123456 |
ucas_application_id | ucas_app_id_123456 |
deposit_paid | 1234.56 |
deposit_amount | 1234.56 |
conditions | Example Conditions List |
reject_reason | Example rejection reason |
reject_comments | Example rejection comments |
reject_letter | |
cas_number | A01B23CD456E78 |
Applicant Open Day specific values
Field | Value |
Invite.Interview | No |
Invite.Booking_ref | 12345678 |
Invite.Event_Date | Current date, formatted as “Mon 1 Feb 2020” |
Invite.ucas_course_code | AC12 |
Invite.id | 1234567890123 |
Invite.status | Invite |
Mobile Event Capture specific values
Field | Value |
event_date | Current date, formatted as “Mon 1 Feb 2020” |
event_name | Example Event Name |
start_time | 12:00 |
event_touchpoint_text | Your event touchpoint text |
joining_instructions_text | Your joining instructions text |
venue | Poole |
Invitee.booking_ref | 12345678 |
Mobile Event Capture specific values
Field | Value |
event_name | Example Event Name |
location | Poole |
start_date | Current date, formatted as “Mon 1 Feb 2020” |
Pre-Applicant Open Days specific values
Field | Value |
event_date | Current date, formatted as “Mon 1 Feb 2020” |
booking_ref | ABCD1234 |
(Part of the Programme merge tag) activity_name | Activity One/ Two/ Three |
(Part of the Programme merge tag) venue | Venue Name/ A Secondary Venue/ Another Venue |
(Part of the Programme merge tag) activity_details | Activity details would go here. |
(Part of the Programme merge tag) activity_slot_text | Slot text would go here. |
(Part of the Programme merge tag) location_name | Location name |
OpenDay.name | Example Event Name |
Prospectus Request specific values
Field | Value |
delivery_method | P |