Organisation's Card
On the Organisation's card, you can see all their details, such address and phone number, website, type and tags, responsible team or user, status and number of employees.
Below the Organisation card is a series of tabs which give you more detail about the Organisation, and the amalgamated information from the Contacts associated with it.
On this tab you can see the list of Contacts associated with the Organisation.
On this tab you can see all the actions that have been taken on the Organisation, such as changing the phone number, and all the actions which have been taken on each Contact associated with the Organisation.
This tab shows Organisations which are related with the current Organisation you're viewing, for example local branches of an overall head office.
This tab shows all the documents which have been uploaded to Contacts associated with this Organisation.
This tab shows you all the records associated with the Organisation.
Associations are a way to link two different records together, for example, a Student with a School. You can read more about how this works here.
This tab shows you how many events have been run at this Organisation. For details on how to add event details here, see Activity Reporting on Events.
The Tasks tab shows you all the tasks associated with all Contacts for the Organisation and for the Organisation itself. You can add new tasks from the 'More Options' triple dot menu.