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How to make an article

Populate your Knowledgebases with articles to help Students, Applicants and Colleagues

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over a week ago

Articles sit at the heart of how Knowledgebases works. They contain all the information you want to pass to students, or inform Colleagues about.

Add an Article

Inside Knowledgebase, click the Plus icon in the top right-hand corner to create a new article. Once you've created your article content, filled out any relevant extra options, and are happy, you can set the Status to be 'Live', and click save. Now your article can be used by its intended audience.

Constructing your Article

Title and Content

This section is where you add the main body of your article.

The title should be descriptive and contain a unique phrasing which will help users of your knowledgebases easily search for it.

The content of your article is dependant on its intended audience. We recommend keeping articles short to retain engagement, and include links to other resources. The editor can insert images, callouts and other common formatting elements. Learn how to use the Content Editor here.

Department, Category and Keywords

This section aids in the discoverability of an article. Accurate and useful keywords will make searching for an article easier.

Departments are best used in knowledgebases intended for Colleagues. Learn more about using Departments here.

Categories can be used to organise your articles into virtual sections. If the category has been set up with keywords, these will automatically be added when you add the category. Learn more about using Categories here.

Keywords are words or short phrases, separated by a comma, which provide meta information to describe your article.
For example, for an article about Applicant enrolment, your keywords might be "enrolment, starting, first day".
Or for an article about event setup, your keywords might be "pre-applicant open day,course group,setup".


The weighting of the article affects how high up it will appear in a search. Using a larger number will make it have a higher weighting which will make it appear closer to the top when one of its keywords has been searched. Give your most useful and important articles a higher weighting, to make sure that users find them first when searching the knowledgebase.

For example, in an International Applications Portal knowledgebase, you might weight "How do I apply for a visa?" as 100, "How do I pay my deposit?" as 50, and "What is the duration of my programme?" as 10.


Visibility allows you to set who can see, and therefore edit, an article in the Knowledgebase app on the CRM.

Please note: all users of a knowledgebase website can see all articles, regardless of this setting.

"All users" will allow any user of the Knowledgebase app to see and edit an article you have created.

"Only me" will restrict an article to only show to you. This might be useful to prevent others from editing articles intended for an public knowledgebase. It can also be used when creating a saved reply to use as your signature. Learn more about using saved replies as signatures.

Review Date​

This field allows you to set a date to go back and check the article to see if any information within it is now out of date. This is particularly useful for articles which contains information that may quickly go out of date, such as policies and procedures.

Setting a review date also allows you to use the filters to sort articles which need reviewing soon.


This section allows you to relate an article with a CRM app, and can be used as a search key. This is most useful for internal knowledgebases. For example, you could associate your Applicant Open Days setup article with the AOD app to ensure it's easier to find.

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