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How do I add a course info URL?

Helping your students know exactly what courses are which

Steph Stevens avatar
Written by Steph Stevens
Updated over 5 years ago

You can add a Course URL to any course in your Courses App.

This can be used as a merge field in any Touchpoint. A great way to provide a link back to your website course information pages.

Add a Course URL

Edit your Course and add a URL in the box. Make sure to include the http or https at the start of the address.

Once the Course is saved the URL will be a live link, and you click it to visit the address.

How to use Course URL in your touchpoints:

You can use Course URL as a merge field in any touchpoint. Get in touch with the CRM Support team and we can add this as a option for you.

Once we have enabled this for you, you'll see the 'URL' option in your drop down list of merge fields. See the example below, where we've combined both the URL and Course Name merge fields in clickable links.

Set this up by copying the [xxxCourse.urlxxx] tag into the Link settings:

Please note that for Campaigns, the merge tag will look like this:

Need more help with Course URLs? Get in touch.

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