Read-Only users can: ย
View a list of surveys
View the individual Survey Dashboard
View the list of Respondents, Submissions, Questions & Answers, and Results graphs
Jump to the student's record
View the respondent's card
Copy the survey link
On the Forms tab
View the list of forms used
If the user has Read/ Write and above in Webform Builder:
Add a new survey form
Edit a survey form
Read-Write users can also:ย
Add a survey
Clone a survey
Edit a survey
Delete a survey
Change a Survey's Published/ Draft status, and set the timings
Add a new Survey Group
If the user has Read/ Write and above in Webform Builder: Edit a survey form from Step 3: Content
Delete a submission, either from the Submission's page, or a respondent's card
Download CSV data from Respondents, Submissions, Questions & Answers, and Results pages
Flip between "Classic Surveys" and "New Surveys" using the toggle
Super Users can also:ย
View the "Who has Access" tab
Add a survey group from the Setup tab
Edit a survey group
Delete a survey group
"Classic" Survey's Permissions list
Read-Only users can:
Can view a list of surveys
Can view the individual Survey Dashboard
Can view the list of page templates
Can preview the templates
Can view the list of questions
Can see the survey results
Read-Write users can also:
Can add Survey
Can edit survey details
Can edit "Thank you", "Offline", "Completed", and "Survey page" page templates
Can add new question
Can edit questions
Can edit question order
Can add new survey group
Super Users can also:
Can delete survey
Can set survey live
Can edit survey group
Can delete survey group
View the "Who has Access" tab