Q. I need to find Student's who've never had a Subject of Interest. Why isn't there a filter to do that?
A. The condition "is empty" has been disabled for the field "Subject of Interest - Ever" with Applications segments. Due to the way a student can have multiple courses and subjects this condition gives erroneous results.
The way to find these students instead is to do the following:
First run a segment searching for all students whose "Subject of Interest - is not empty".
Then run a new segment, using "previous results" option. Run the filter as follows: "Filter on Results ID - not found in result set - your previous segment"
Finally run another segment, using all of the filters you wish, and instead of using the students "Subject of Interest", use "previous results - found in result set -" and the second segment you just created.
Q. My Segment is stuck in "Processing". Help!
A. Check your filters.
If you have a nested segment which has been unshared or deleted, then your segment won't run correctly.
If you have a self-referencing nested segment (ie Segment #1 looks at Segment #2, which looks back at Segment #1) the segment won't run correctly.