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Common Segments Examples

"How do I do... with Segments?"

Laura Montgomery-Hurrell avatar
Written by Laura Montgomery-Hurrell
Updated over 7 months ago

Below are some common queries that can be answered by using Segments.

Q. I want to exclude all students who've applied

A. In a Student Database Segment, use "Applications Qty Submitted is empty"

Q. I want to Segment on a specific event

A. Firstly find the ID of your Event. This is usually on the dashboard in your selected event app. For example, in Event Manager:

Then in a Student Database Segment, select the correct Event App. Then you can use the "Booked Open Day ID" and the ID you found earlier to segment only on this event:

This applies to Applicant Open Days, Pre-applicant Open Days and Event Manager. For Mobile Event Capture, use "Event Name":

Q. I want to find students who've sent an Enquiry

A. In a Student Database Segment, use "Enquiries Occurrence is {your occurrence name}"

Q. I want to find Applicants who've applied for a specific Year of Entry and Intake Month

A. In an Applications segment, use "Applications Year of Entry is {year} AND Applications Intake Month equal to {month number}"

Please note: the Intake Month must always be the month's number, for example 2=Feb, 9=Sept.

Q. I want to find our most engaged students

A. In a Student Database Segment, use "Student Database Engagement Score is more than {a number}"

The median Engagement Score will depend on your establishment's protocols and the rules you have set up.

Q. I want to find students who've not been Invited to, Booked, Attended nor Not Attended any Pre-Applicant Open Day events.

A. To do a reductive search like this, you must use nested segments.

Segment 1: "Student Database Year of Entry = 2024" AND "Pre-app open days Booking Status is Booked"

Segment 2: "Student Database Year of Entry = 2024" AND "Student Database (nested segment) Filter on Result set not found in result set {result set from segment one}"

This is because, in order to be included in the segment, all our event apps assume the student has already interacted with the app in question. Thus you must find the students you're looking to exclude first, and then remove them from your search using the nested segment option.

Q. I have a list of Student IDs I want to contact, but pasting in them in individually will be a hassle. How can I do this quickly?

A. If your list is separated by commas, you can paste this straight into a "CRM ID is one of" condition:

Q. I want to include only students who've opted-in to emails or SMS.

A. As campaigns are transactional, it's always wise to include only student's who've opted-in to a specific channel before sending them comms. Todo this, use the conditions "Student Database Opted in to Email = Yes" or "Student Database Opted in to SMS = Yes"

Q. I want to include only students whose email addresses or mobile numbers are valid.

A. This is a good way to ensure you're not wasting SMS credits, or limit the number of hard bounced emails in your reports.

To do this , use the conditions "Student Database Email verified status = verified" or "Student Database Mobile verified status = verified".

Q. I want to see all students who filled out this form.

A. With a Student Database Segment, select the app in question and use the condition "{App} Form is {Select form from dropdown}".

We also recommend that unless you need respondents from a specific version of a form, you use the ".any" version. This ensure you get all the respondents for all versions of your form.

In this example, we're using an RAP form, but this applies to all apps that can take input from a form.

Q. I want to include only students who've signed up for a specific Topic or Consent pack.

A. With a Student Database Segment, to filter on the Student's latest Consent pack use "Student Database Consent is {consent pack name}":

Or to filter on Students' Topics, use "Student Database Topic is subscribed to {Topic name}":

Q. I want to find all students whose email ends with a particular domain.

A. With a Student Database Segment, use "Student Database Email Address ends with {}":

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