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Address lookups

How to collect clean UK and international addresses with real-time lookups.

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over 6 months ago

Address lookups are a way of helping form submitters automatically fill in their address data. Using a lookup helps ensures that the address data you collect is accurate and not misspelt, as could happen when asking submitters to manually type their details.

Address Lookups use your PAF (Postcode Address File) credit balance. More detail about credit balances can be found here.

Address Lookups are built into Web Form Builder and only takes a couple of clicks to configure. Just select "yes" for 'Use address finder' and ensure your PAF account is selected. "UK and overseas" is automatically selected by default.

When building a web form containing an address block, you can give the student one of three options when entering their address on your web form:

1. Use address finder = "no"

The student types each line in manually: address_1, address_2, address_3, town, county, postcode, country (dropdown).

2. Use address finder = "yes", Find addresses = "UK and overseas"

The student starts to type any part of their address and, after a few keystrokes, (thanks to type-ahead, predictive technology) they select from the options displayed and their entire address, including country is auto-completed for them. This is the default setting.

3. Use address finder = "yes", Find addresses = "UK only"

They type in their full UK postcode, they select from the options displayed and their entire address, including country "United Kingdom" is auto-completed for them.

245 countries are covered

Address lookups are powered by the Loqate GBG's comprehensive global location data. This is the best data in the world and they have been our technology partner since 1997.

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