Assigning Stages with a web form

How to update each student's stage based on an answer they give in your web forms

Dom Yeadon avatar
Written by Dom Yeadon
Updated over a week ago

As each prospect travels along their own student journey with you, they will move through the various stages that you set up in the Student Database (see how to set up stages here).

Usually from 'enquired' to 'enrolled'. Read more about Stages here.

There are several methods to assign the correct stage to each student:

  1. Manually, by using the dropdown on their Student Record Card.

  2. Automatically, by using this 'SDB - Stage' field in your web form.

This is method 2 - by using this 'SDB - Stage' field in your web form

You offer a number of options for the student to pick as their response to your question. When they pick one, the corresponding Stage gets applied to their Student Record Card, along with the Likelihood %:

When the form is submitted, the student automatically gets the correct stage assigned. In this example the student answered "I intend to apply to this uni" and got the stage 'Intends to apply' assigned:

NB: it only updates the stage if the new stage is the same or higher Likelihood % than the old stage. This will stop a student at "Applied 50%" then asking a quick question using ENQ and accidentally dropping down to "Enquiry 10%".

How do Stages help me to recruit students?

  • Responsibility - different teams can take care of different stages - read more about how Teams work with Stages here.

  • Visibility - your users can see where each student is on their student journey and treat them appropriately.

  • Overview - you can run a report of what next year's recruitment figures are looking like now.

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