The Configuration tab for Applications - Passive is split into three sections:
About this Occurrence
Default Consent
Occurrence Settings
β Please note: Some of these settings are selected when the occurrence is first created and can't be changed once the occurrence has started receiving applications.
About this Occurrence
Occurrence Type
This tells you whether the occurrence is 'Passive' or 'Active'.
This confirms the occurrence is set up to monitor each application for updates to either Courses or Year of Entry and applies a flag when a change is detected. Read more here.
This tells you if you're set up to take UCAS applications (Yes) or if you're only taking direct, MIS applications (No).
SRS Product Name
Here you can set the name of the Student Record System you're using, for example AgressoQL or SITS.
Default Consent
Here you can set the default consent you'd like to apply to all Applicants. Read about applying consents here.
Occurrence Settings
These settings are locked in when the occurrence is set up. If any need to change, please contact Customer Support with your requirements.