We all know that there are key building-blocks that make up many forms, but their creation might not be immediately obvious in Web Form Builder. Below are some examples of how to create some common form questions:
Question: "What motivates your studies?"
WFB field to use: SDB - Persona
Question: "How did you hear about us?"
WFB field to use: Enquiry Source
Question: "What is your Level of Study/ Year of Entry/ Course of interest/ Subject of Interest"
WFB field to use: The Academic Block
Action: Restricting courses on your form.
WFB field to use: Add tags used on Courses in the Courses & Subjects app to the "Filter by tags" section in the Courses accordion of the Academic Block.
Action: Restricting Subjects on your form.
WFB field to use: Deselect Subjects from the Subjects accordion of the Academic Block. Please note, this is incompatible with Smart Subjects.
Question: "What's your address?"
WFB field to use: The Address Block.
Please note: A form cannot have two "country" fields on it, so if you have already used the Country block, you must mark the Address block's Country field as inactive.
Question: "Do you have a second address?"
WFB field to use: Question Area or Custom Varchar
Please note: If using APS - Question Area: address data put into this field will show only on the hydrated APS form.
If using a Custom Varchar: address data will show on the RAP record only.
If you want the data to show on the Student's record, you'll need to manually move it into a note on the record.
Question: "What is your Enquiry?"
WFB field to use: The Enquiry Block on a Rapid Response form
When setting up a Rapid Response form, in Step 2: Configuration you have the option of selecting "Capture enquiries in this form: Yes", which then allows you to select an Enquiries Occurrence to forward the data to:
Then, on Step 3: Builder, you can select the Enquiry Block which allows you to set up what details you'd like to take on an enquiry:
Question: "Please send us your portfolio link"
WFB field to use: SDB - Portfolio.
Action: Redirecting the Student after the form is submitted or changing the form submission thank you message.
WFB field to use: The Tools under "Submit". You can also choose if you want the redirect to stay within the iframe, or if you want the whole page to change.
Action: Amending the Form's Title.
WFB field to use: The Tools under the Settings Cog.
Question: "What is your preferred name?"
WFB field to use: SDB - Known As
Question: "Where do you go to school?"
WFB fields to use:
RAP - Current School
PRQ - Current School
MEC - Current School Name